ࡱ> o 0bjbj>> El\zf\zfU(_########8#l8$#V:$$($$$B&B&B&UUUUUUU$RZ]U#B&B&B&B&B&U##$$HU(((B&#$#$'Tp(B&U((cLXP$@f 'M(TU0VM ]':]PPP]#PB&B&(B&B&B&B&B&UU':B&B&B&VB&B&B&B&]B&B&B&B&B&B&B&B&B&B F": 9Title of the Paper (16 point, Bold, Times New Roman) First Authors Name1, Second Authors Name2* , Third Authors Name3, . 1 Affiliation (Department, Faculty/College, Institution/University) 2, 3 Affiliation of other authors, if different (Department, Faculty/College, Institution/University) *Corresponding authors email: Article Type: Refer to the section policy of journal for acceptable article types. Complete Detail of Each Author Provide complete detail of each author in the following format as well as add each author with complete detail during online submission (step 3) in the same order as appears in the manuscript. First Authors Full Name: Highest Qualification: Department: Post/Rank (Ifa student, provide course name and course year): Affiliation (College/University/Institute) with postal address: email id: ORCID: Second Authors Full Name: Highest Qualification: Department: Post/Rank (Ifa student, provide course name and course year): Affiliation (College/University/Institute) with postal address: email id: ORCID: Third Authors Full Name: Highest Qualification: Department: Post/Rank (Ifa student, provide course name and course year): Affiliation (College/University/Institute) with postal address: email id: ORCID: ABSTRACT The manuscript should contain an abstract within 300 words. The manuscript should have a self-contained, citation-free abstract and state briefly the purpose of the research, methodology, key results and major conclusions. Abstract should be in a single paragraph with running sentences. Do not use any subheading or point list within the abstract. Also, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself. Keywords: Authors are advised to writes 3-5 keywords related to the article, separated by comma. These keywords will be used for indexing purpose. Introduction Mostly Papers starts with introduction. It contains the brief idea of work, requirement for this research work, problem statement, and Authors contribution towards their research. Sufficient recent reference citation [1] from last 2 years should be included for showing the existing challenges and importance of current work. This section should be succinct, with no subheadings unless unavoidable [2, 3]. State the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background related to your work, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results. Research Methodology This part should contain sufficient detail to reproduce reported data. It can be divided into subsections if several methods are described. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference [4], only relevant modifications should be described. Methodology should be written concisely in detail by maintaining continuity of the texts. Theory and Calculation A Theory section should extend, not repeat, the background to the article already dealt with in the Introduction and lay the foundation for further work. In contrast, a Calculation section represents a practical development from a theoretical basis. Do not add extensive basic definitions or well-known theories, instead highlight theoretical background and its specific usages in view of your work only. Mathematical Expressions and Symbols Mathematical expressions and symbols should be inserted using equation tool of Microsoft word. References may be added for used equations to support its authenticity, e.g. this result has been analysed using Fourier series [5].  QUOTE   (1) Results and Discussion This section may each be divided by subheadings or may be combined. A combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate. This should explore the significance of the results of the work, dont repeat them. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature only, instead discuss recent literature for comparing your work to highlight novelty of the work in view of recent development and challenges in the field. Preparation of Figures and Tables Authors are supposed to embed all figures and tables at appropriate place within manuscript. Figures and tables should neither be submitted in separate files nor add at the end of manuscript. Figures and Tables should be numbered properly with descriptive title. Each Figure/Table must be explained within the text by referring to corresponding figure/table number. Any unexplained or unnumbered Figure/Table may cause rejection of the paper without being reviewed. Formatting Tables Table should be prepare using table tool within the Microsoft word and cited consecutively in the text. Every table must have a descriptive title and if numerical measurements are given, the units should be included in the column heading. Formatting requirement has been summarized in the Table 1. Table 1: Summary of formatting requirement for submitting paper in this journal. LayoutSizeMargin (Normal)HeaderFooterSingle columnA4 (8.27 X 11.69)Top=1 Bottom=1 Left=1 Right=1Do not add anything in the headerSo not add anything in the footerFont Article TitleHeadingsSubheadingsReference listTextTimes New Roman, 16 pt, Bold, centredTimes New Roman, 11 pt, Bold, Left alignedTimes New Roman, 10 pt, Bold, Left alignedTimes New Roman, 8 pt, JustifiedGaramond, 11 pt, JustifiedLine Spacing1. numberWe will format and assign page numbers Formatting Figures All figures should be cited in the paper in a consecutive order, author may be asked to provide separate files of the figure. Figures should be used in bitmap formats (TIFF, GIF, JPEG, etc.) with 300 dpi resolution at least unless the resolution is intentionally set to a lower level for scientific reasons. If a bitmap image has labels, the image and labels should be embedded in separate layer. Figure 1 shows the logo of AIJR Publisher.  Figure 1: Logo of the AIJR Publisher Conclusions Each manuscript should contain a conclusion section within 250-450 words which may contain the major outcome of the work, highlighting its importance, limitation, relevance, application and recommendation. Conclusion should be written in continuous manner with running sentences which normally includes main outcome of the research work, its application, limitation and recommendation. Do not use any subheading, citation, references to other part of the manuscript, or point list within the conclusion. Declarations Study Limitations Provide all possible limitation faced in the study which might significantly affect research outcome, If not applicable write, none. Acknowledgements All acknowledgments (if any) should be included in a separate section before the references and may include list of peoples who contributed to the work in the manuscript but not listed in the author list. Funding source Provide funding source, supporting grants with grant number. The name of funding agencies should be written in full, if no funding source exist, write, none. Competing Interests Declare any potential conflict of interest exist in this publication. Human and Animal Related Study If the work involves the use of human/animal subjects, each manuscript should contain the following subheadings under the declarations section- Ethical Approval Provide ethical approval authority name with the reference number. If ethical approval is not required, provide an ethical exemption letter of not required. The author should send scan copy (in pdf) of the ethical approval/exemption letter obtained from IRB/ethical committee or institutional head. Informed Consent Write a statement of informed consent taken from the participants to publish this research work. The editor may ask to upload scan copy if required. References Author(s) are responsible for ensuring that the information in each reference is complete and accurate. Do not use grey literature (unauthentic website, news portal, social media, Wikipedia etc) as reference, only scholarly literature (Journal, online books, proceedings, patents, authentic websites with permanent archival policy) are acceptable references. Author should include sufficient recent (last 2 years) references in the article. All references must be numbered consecutively and citations of references in the text should be identified using numbers in square brackets (e.g., as explained by AIJR [1]; as discussed in many reports [2]-[6]). All references should be cited within the text correctly; do not add only list of references without citation within the text. All cited references should be listed after declarations section in the following style- W. S. Author, Title of paper, Name of Journal in italic, vol. x, no. x, pp. xxx-xxx, Abbrev. Month, year. https://doi.org/10.21467/ajgr A. Bahishti, Peer Review; Critical Process of a Scholarly Publication,J. Mod. Mater., vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1.1-1.2, Oct. 2016. https://doi.org/10.21467/jmm. A. Bahishti, A New Multidisciplinary Journal; International Annals of Science,Int. Ann. Sci., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1.1-1.2, Feb. 2017. https://journals.aijr.in/index.php/ias/article/view/163 W. S. Author, Title of paper, Name of Journal in italic, vol. x, no. x, pp. xxx-xxx, Abbrev. Month, year. Access online on 20 March 2018 at https://www.aijr.in/journal-list/advanced-journal-graduate-research/ W. S. Author, Title of paper, Name of Journal in italic, vol. x, no. x, pp. xxx-xxx, Abbrev. Month, year. Access online on 5 March 2018 at https://www.aijr.in/about/publication-ethics/ M. Ahmad, Importance of Modeling and Simulation of Materials in Research,J. Mod. Sim. Mater., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-2, Jan. 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21467/jmsm.1.1.1-2 Main features of citation style are given as- The author name format is, "first name (Initial), middle name (Initial) and last name". This differs from other styles where author's last name is first. The title of an article (or chapter, conference paper, patent, etc.) is in quotation marks. The title of the book or journal is in italics. Online link of the original paper. If any reference is not available online, it should be modified with available online reference If you are using any reference manager (e.g. Mendeley, Endnote etc), you may select standard style IEEE with URL     AIJR Journals /Article/ Manuscript # Page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 2   "345;ACHIJKRXZ_`abdjprswx}~' ( ) * = ? 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