Editorial Screening Process
Editorial screening is the first step of manuscript screening by a scholarly journal before inviting reviewers for peer-reviewing. At this step, editors decide whether or not to proceed for further peer-reviewing of the submitted manuscript. At this initial step, the editor looks only if the submitted manuscript is in accordance with the journal’s policy or not. It is seen that approximately 60% of the manuscripts get rejected at this stage without initiating the peer-review process. The author may minimize rejection risk at the editorial screening process by carefully following the journal’s policy and guidelines. Here are the major factors, the editor at AIJR journals focuses during the initial screening-
- If complete detail of each author has been provided within the manuscript and if all authors have been added in the online submission system.
- If the manuscript fits within the aims & scope of the journal.
- If the author follows the guidelines for manuscript formatting.
- If the manuscript is well structured and written clearly enough to make it worth reviewing.
- If the manuscript compliant with the journal’s section policy.
- Author’s declarations and ethical compliance available.
- The manuscript is unique, original, not plagiarised, and not submitted anywhere else for simultaneous consideration.
- Reference citation and formatting style as per the journal’s guidelines.