Proceedings Publication Process

The Process of publishing conference proceedings has been summarized below-

Explore Basic Information

Know About Proceedings

What we consider as conference proceedings and where do we publish it. Read more

Read our Basic Requirements

We publish proceedings of those conferences which get organized by a learned society. Read more

What and who can publish
Read Info for Organizer

Are you conference organizer?

Read necessery info here and visit frequently asked questions for organisers here.

Provide Conference Detail

Submit conference proceedings proposal by filling proposal form. If we find it suitable, we will send you a quote.

Send Proceedings Proposal
Make Initial Payment

Pay Minimum Amount

If you agree with quote and wish to publish with us, make payment of initial amount within the due date. Know publishing fee.

Update your Conference Materials

Now, you can update your conference material with our nam/logo as proceedings publishing partner. Its time to appoint volume editor.

Use our name

After an agreement and initial payment by the organizer, the next task should be done by the volume editor

Volume Editor’s Task

Compile Proceedings

Volume Editor should collect papers, ensure its quality and compile with all required front matters. Send us final proceedings in editable word file. Read more

Pay Remaining Amount

After calculating final amount as per quote pay remaining amount (Total amount – Initial payment).

Make Final Payment

Is everything as expected?

After completing copyediting, we will send final proceedings in pdf file for proofreading. Let us know if requires any minor necessary changes and approve for final publication.

Share Published Proceedings

It’s time to share and download finally published proceedings

Proceedings Published
AIJR Publisher