Edited Volume

An edited volume is a collection of scholarly chapters written by different authors to present their viewpoints and experiences on a specific theme. The chapters of the edited volume being contributed by different authors undergo a peer-reviewing process to ensure the quality and finally the consistency in style and content flow is managed by the volume editor. The chapters of the edited volume should be original & unpublished works of the author.

Edited volumes can be excellent books if they are conceived thoughtfully and managed well by the editor. A successful edited volume is more than an expanded version of a thematic journal issue, but is itself a coherent intellectual project and should be considered that way from the beginning. The key focus of an edited volume is the presentation of multiple fresh perspectives on a particular subject, informed by a broad spectrum of scholarly insights and research expertise, and to work against the main vulnerability of the topic.

Volume Editor

The editor(s) of an edited volume is responsible for determining the book’s purpose, structure, style, etc., and invites individual eligible contributors to write chapters. Selecting the contributions may involve an open call for a chapter or may be conducted privately through colleagues and collaborators. The editor is also responsible for managing the peer-review process to ensure the quality of selected chapters and keeping the writing process on schedule. The editor may also be a chapter contributor to the volume. The editor also carries out the linguistic and substantive editing of the chapters before submitting the manuscript to us.

The editor is fully responsible to invite contributors, manage peer-reviewing, accept chapters, editing, and organizing the contents in view of the objective of the edited volume.

Edited volumes are the best way for scholars and scientists to publish their research experiences as scientific chapters.

Edited Volume Proposal Submission

To publish an edited volume with AIJR, the editor may submit an edited volume proposal to us. The editor should hold a Ph.D. or above degree and have expertise in the field of the proposed edited volume. Send your proposal to books@aijr.org by providing the following details-

  1. The subject domain, target audience, and specific theme of the proposed volume.
  2. Proposed Title.
  3. Intended contributors and your strategy on inviting them for valuable contributions.
  4. A paragraph write-up on why the readers would find the book (if published) as valuable reading.
  5. Length of the book (in terms of chapters) with proposed chapter titles.
  6. The proposed time frame within which you expect to submit the book (after peer-reviewing and editing).
  7. Updated CV of the Editor.
  8. Any other information regarding the proposal

We value the quality of the published content and hence suggest editors take sufficient time for reviewing and editing the book before final publication. The volume editors should prepare a well-drafted call for chapters to clarify their vision for the book that would allow the participating authors to articulate the significance of their own contributions. We encourage volume editors to select only the strongest chapters among those submitted to them.

List of the ongoing edited volumes

For Authors 1 Halalan Toyyiban Lipids

Call for Book Chapters on Halalan Toyyiban Lipids

We are pleased to announce that we are compiling an edited volume titled “Halalan Toyyiban Lipids Processing and Utilization: Concepts, Technologies, and Applications.” This book aims to provide a comprehensive overview of Halal and Toyyib concepts …
For Authors 2 Chapter on Breast Cancer

Call for Book Chapter on Breast Cancer

Oncology is undoubtedly the most rapidly growing subspecialty in the field of medicine, and breast cancer is one of the most serious problems in oncology. Breast Cancer is the most common cancer among women and a leading cause of death worldwide. …
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