We are pleased to announce that we are compiling an edited volume titled “Halalan Toyyiban Lipids Processing and Utilization: Concepts, Technologies, and Applications.” This book aims to provide a comprehensive overview of Halal and Toyyib concepts as they relate to lipids, encompassing their extraction, utilization, and analysis in various fields such as food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products.

Objective of Edited Book on Halalan Toyyiban Lipids
This volume seeks to explore the multifaceted aspects of Halalan Toyyiban lipids, from processing and analysis to their application in different industries. The objective is to bring together insights from experts to shed light on the latest research and developments in this area, contributing significantly to the fields of food science, Halal studies, and lipid technology.
Themes of Edited Volume
The book is organized into 11 chapters, each focusing on a different aspect of Halalan Toyyiban lipids:
- Introduction to Halalan Toyyiban Lipids
- Extraction of Lipids
- Halal and Toyyib Microbial Lipids
- Insect Oil and Its Applications
- Cooking Oil and Its Toyyiban Concept
- Lipid Oxidation in Foods and Its Prevention
- Halal Lipids Adulteration and Importance of Traceability System
- Halal Lipids in Pharmaceuticals
- Halal Lipids in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products
- Halal Sustainability in Lipid and Oil Products
- Halal Industry and Economic Development
Call for Chapter Contributions
We invite academicians, scientists, researchers, and professionals working in relevant fields to contribute chapters to this volume. Potential contributors are encouraged to focus on innovative research, case studies, and comprehensive reviews that align with the themes of the book. The manuscript should be written in a book chapter tone and style, with a strict policy against plagiarism (the similarity index should be less than 10%). All submitted chapters will undergo a peer-review procedure as per the following schedule.
- Submission Start Date: 25 November 2023
- Submission End Date: 30 May 2024
- Expected Reviewing Time: 2-3 Months after complete submission
- Expected Publication: November 2024
For updated information, kindly visit the submission management website by clicking on the above button.
Chapter Submission Guidelines
Properly structured and formatted chapters in MS Word file format can be submitted online through the Submit A Manuscript platform. The manuscript should be written in a book-chapter tone.
- Layout: A4, Single Column
- Title: 16-point Times New Roman
- Authors: 12-point Times New Roman
- The designation, Affiliation/ Address, email ID (10-point Times New Roman)
- Synopsis/Abstract: not exceeding 500 words
- Keyword: maximum 3 keywords separated by commas
- Content: 12 font size (Times New Roman style) with 1.15 spacing
- Reference: APA Style.
- Document Type: MS Word Document (do not send pdf)
Note: Bachelor/Master’s degree students are not allowed to be included as authors of the chapter in this edited book.
Publication Fee: Free
There is no charge to contribute to the book chapter on Halalan Toyyiban Lipids. Publishing chapters in this edited book on Halalan Toyyiban Lipids is absolutely free. All associated costs are sponsored by the volume editors, and the authors do not need to pay anything. You just need to focus on the highest quality, scientific integrity, and significance.
Volume Editors
- Mohamed Elwathig Saeed Mirghani, International Islamic University Malaysia
- TS. DR. AMAL A. M. ELGHARBAWY, International Islamic University Malaysia
- Wan Syibrah Hanisah Binti Wan Sulaiman, International Islamic University Malaysia
- DR. HARUNA BABATUNDE JAIYEOBA, International Islamic University Malaysia
- Nazrim Marikkar, National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka
We look forward to your valuable contributions to make this volume a pivotal resource in the field of Halalan Toyyiban lipids processing and utilization.