AIJR is a growing & trusted scholarly publisher offering academic conference publishing solutions for organizers. Benefit from our proceedings publishing solution to turn your conference presentation into worldwide accessible knowledge.
- Available online
- Print-on-demand option
- Four weeks quick publication
- Open access for free availability to readers
- Worldwide visibility
- Google Scholar Indexed.
Organizers of academic conferences are welcome to propose research presentations from their conferences to be published as Proceedings. Academic conferences must fulfill the following criteria:
- Focused on reporting academic research
- Attendees and speakers are primarily from the research institution
- Conference papers undergo the peer review process by qualified experts before acceptance
Publishing Time: 28 days
The procedure to publish academic conference proceedings by the organizers has been summarized below for quick reference. For detailed information, visit the information for the conference organizer page.
- Submit Proceedings Proposal
Conference organizers submit a proposal for Proceeding publication by providing conference and organizer detail. The proposal gets evaluated by the AIJR team in order to verify the accuracy of the submitted detail and suitability of consideration in view of our publishing terms.
- Finalize the Agreement
Finalize the agreement by making the advance minimum payment. We do not allow organizers to use our name as a publisher without paying the minimum advance amount. This protects participants from unexpected publishing surprises due to misleading information and uncertainty in publishing partners.
- Announce Publishing Collaboration
AIJR supplies article templates and logos with the conference organizer for announcement on the conference website. We also post the conference announcement under our conference blog section for authenticity & cross-verification by participants. Conference Organizers collect submissions and perform the peer review. Finally, deliver all accepted papers to AIJR at once before or after your conference.
- Make Final Payment
The conference organizer gets the final invoice and pays after adjusting the previously paid advance amount. Get galley proof version for final proofreading corrections after finalizing copyediting process by AIJR (approx. 4 weeks).
- Final Publication
Proceedings will get published within 1 week of approving the galley proof version. It’s time to share/announce the publication link to authors.