Publish Medical Case Reports in International Annals of Science

Refereed Journal International Annals of Science inviting practitioners to submit medical case reports for Free publication. Case reports contain a medical profile of the patient for sharing an unusual or novel occurrence for medical, scientific, or educational purposes. The case report should contain a detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient. Medical case report may discuss by linking other similar reported cases available in the scholarly literature. Case reports submitted to International Annals of Science should describe how the case report is rare or unexpected as well as its educational and scientific merits in the introduction section. Publishing case report will be helpful for clinical practice guidelines and offer a framework for early signals of effectiveness and adverse events.

Medical cases may be necessary to report in the following situation-
• An unexpected or new association between symptoms and diseases.
• An unexpected or unusual event during treating a patient.
• Findings that shed new light on the possible pathogenesis of a disease or an adverse effect.
• Unique or rare features of a disease.
• A positional or quantitative variation of the anatomical structures.
• Diagnoses or management of new and emerging diseases

case reports

The author should follow the guideline for manuscript formatting. Medical case report submitted to “International Annals of Science” must be accompanied by an ethical approval letter. Each manuscript should contain the following set of declaration at the end of the manuscript-


Acknowledgements: (If not applicable write, none)
Ethical Approval: (Provide ethical approval authority name with the reference number. If not required, provide an ethical exemption letter of not required). The author should upload scan copy of the letter during manuscript submission.
Informed consent: (Write a statement of informed consent taken from the patient to publish this case report). The editor may ask to upload scan copy if required.
Funding source: (If no funding source exist, write, none)
Competing interests: (Declare any potential conflict of interest exist)

Images in the manuscript should be cropped only to show the key feature. Crop images to protect the patient’s anonymity as far as possible. If an image of a face must be published, this should be cropped so that only the affected area is shown. This journal will not consider case reports describing preventive or therapeutic interventions, as these generally require stronger evidence.

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