Submit research articles in Advanced Nano Research

Researchers are invited to submit articles related to nanoscience and nanotechnology in Advanced Nano Research (ANR). Advanced Nano Research is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, open access, online journal with a wide-ranging coverage of research activities in all areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology. ANR offers an interdisciplinary platform for all aspects of Nano Science and Nanotechnology research.

Articles in the following research areas are sought:

Properties Effected by Nanoscale Dimensions • Controlled Synthesis, Fabrication and Processing at the Nanoscale • Nanoscale Precursors and Assembly, Nanostructure Arrays, Fullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes and Organic Nanostructures • Quantum Dots, Quantum Wires, Quantum Wells, Superlattices • Nanoelectronics, Single Electron Electronics and Devices, Molecular Electronics • Nanomechanics, Nanoscale Instrumentation and Characterization • Nano-optics, Photonic Crystals with Nanoscale Structural Fidelity • Atomic and Nanoscale Characterization • Atomic Manipulation • Computational Nanotechnology • Fullerenes • Green Nanotechnology • Molecular Nanoscience • Molecular Nanotechnology • Nano-Optics • Nanobiotechnology • Nanocatalysis • Nanochips • Nanoclusters • Nanocomposites • Nanocrystalline • Nanoelectronics • Nanofabrication and Processing of Nanoscale Materials • Nanofluidics • Nanomachining • Nanomagnetism and Nanodevices • Nanomedicine • Nanomedicines Biomedical Nanotechnology • Nanoparticles • Nanophysics • Nanoprobes • Nanorobotics • Nanorods • Nanoscale Genomics • Nanoscale Thin Films • Nanosensors and Nano-integration • Nanotechnology • Nanotechnology in Genetic Engineering • Nanotechnology in Molecular Engineering • Nanotechnology in Protein Engineering • Nanotechnology in Proteome • Nanotechnology in Structural Biology • Nanotubes • Nanowire • Novel Applications of Nanostructured Materials • Properties of Nanoscale Materials • Quantum Dots • Quantum Wells • Quantum Wires • Structure Analysis at Atomic, Molecular scale • Superlattices • Supramolecules • Synthesis of Nanostructured and Nanoscale Material

Advantage for publishing in Advanced Nano Research

  • Advanced Nano Research is an open access journal which means that your paper will be available to anyone in the world to download for free directly from AIJR website.
  • In spite of open access, we offer free publication without any kind of publishing charge.
  • Your paper will not get rejected due to lack of space. Advanced Nano Research is an online journal and hence no limits on the number or size of the papers that we can publish.
  • Advanced Nano Research is a rapid publishing journal. Generally, peer-review will be completed within 2-weeks and the editor’s decision within 3 days of this. It is therefore very rare to have to wait more than 3 weeks for the first-round decision.
  • All articles will get assigned unique doi which is used for identifying the intellectual property in the digital environment and it enables persistent citations of scholarly articles.
  • All articles will be published with CrossMark logo which notifies readers of changes to content (If Any) in a consistent way.

Types of Papers

Advanced Nano Research accepts following 4 types of articles-

Submission of Manuscript

It is strongly recommended that new manuscripts be submitted to the Advanced Nano Research online. If online submission is not possible, the author can submit the manuscript by email at . Authors must submit only Word file of their manuscript. All submission should be accompanied by a covering letter using the template available on ANR journal’s homepage.
Please see Guidelines for Authors for detailed instructions on preparation and submission of manuscripts.

Important Links

All you need to know about Advanced Nano Research:
Guide for Author :
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Our other refereed journals published by AIJR:

Important dates

Paper Submission – Open
Author Notification – Immediately after decision taken
Issue Publication – Half Yearly

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