Working Papers

Researchers are invited to publish their working papers in the working paper section of AIJR preprint server. If you are an author who loves to release early research work by publishing as a working paper, submit the working paper to AIJR Preprints and publish within 2 working days.

Formatting Instructions

There are no specific requirements; You just need to format in a consistent manner by following author guidelines for technical formatting in editable word format. Add complete detail of each author including email id and affiliation and submit online at this link.

What is Working Paper?

A working paper is considered as a non-reviewed preliminary scientific/ technical/ research paper. Authors publish working papers to share ideas about a topic or ongoing research before submitting to a peer-reviewed journal.

Why publish working paper?

Publishing working paper helps in announcing your current progress in the ongoing research to the word. Working paper publications also help in preventing other researchers from stealing your ideas before they are published. Presumably, the fear of working paper publication maybe that someone will copy the ideas, however, it’s more helpful in giving a direction to other researchers working on a critical problem and hence helping humanity.

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