Call for Paper October 2016

Invitation to submit research manuscript for publication in our journals are open. We publish Research Article, Review Article, Mini Review and Short Communication free of charge with open access. Select appropriate journal related to your research work from the following list to view author guideline and submit your research paper.

Journal of Modern Materials

This Journal publishes achievements of materials science all over the world with main focus on materials relationship between structure, properties and application of materials. Covering areas includes but not limited to energy and environmental materials; advanced structural materials; advanced electronic materials; crystalline and amorphous materials; ceramics, glasses, polymers, electrical materials, composite materials, fibers, etc.

International Annals of Science

This is a multidisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research in all areas of the Computer, Mathematics, Physical, Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Sciences. International Annals of science welcome submissions from cross-disciplinary fields, including biophysics, bio-engineering, chemical physics and environmental science, although no area of science is excluded from consideration.

Advanced Nano Research

Adv. Nano Res. focuses on all aspects of nano-science and nanotechnology. This Journal will cover all interesting areas of nano research from basic aspects of the nano science and nano-scale materials to practical applications of such materials. This journal will consider developments and discoveries in the synthesis, fabrication, characterization and Interdisciplinary application of nano materials and nano-systems.

Journal of Modeling and Simulation of Materials

Journal of Modeling and Simulation of Materials (JMSM) publishes research activities in all aspects of modeling and simulation of materials. The journal invites researchers engaged in modeling and simulations to publish new research work that advances the understanding and prediction of material behavior at any scales from atomistic to macroscopic.

Advanced Journal of Graduate Research

Do you have dynamic undergraduate project students and wish to publish their work? Well, Advanced Journal of Graduate Research will serve as a global platform to broadcast new research initiatives being carried out by today’s brightest youths.

This journal aims to publish inspiring graduate research that investigates issues with current real-world ramifications. Advanced Journal of Graduate Research welcomes articles related to all fields of science and technology from those graduate/undergraduate students who are involving in the research project as a part of their Bachelor/Master’s degree requirement.

AIJR Publisher