Publishing Special Issue for Conference Papers in Journal

Conference organizers are welcome to propose special issue publication for national/international conferences. Special Issue may include the full-length articles that were exhibited in the conference, symposium or workshop. Publishing special issue for conference papers in our journals is possible only for original articles which undergoes rigorous peer-review process and plagiarism free. Click here for more detail and the requirement and procedure of publishing conference special issue in the journal.

Submit proposal

Proposals for the special issue in one of our journals are welcome at any time. We offer Free publication for special issues of peer-reviewed conferences whose proceedings get published with us. Otherwise, the conference organizer can send a proposal to get the quote for publishing conference special issue in the journal. The basic requirement and procedure to publish Special Issue can be found by clicking here.

We also publish proceedings & abstract book of the conference with ISBN and DOI. For more information on conference publications, kindly click here.

AIJR Publisher